The Golden Ticket: How To Claim Your Successful Life

People say “It’s alright for you” all the time. And they’re right. It IS alright for me — because I made it that way! You can do the same…

Taz Thornton


I WANT to open with a list of really stupid things I hear on my travels. Some of them might surprise you. Some of them might not sound that dumb to you. Yet. I’m hoping you’ll see how daft these statements all are by the time you’ve read to the bottom of this article.

You ready? Here goes:

• It’s alright for you, because you used to be a journalist.

• It’s alright for you, because you’re a published author/you’ve written books.

• It’s alright for you, because you have pink hair.

• It’s alright for you, because you don’t have kids.

• It’s alright for you, because you run your own business.

• It’s alright for you, because you know how to use Photoshop.

Etc, etc, etc. I could go on. The list is endless.


JOURNALIST: I decided I wanted that, set my intention and worked / manifested my socks off to get to the…



Taz Thornton

3 X TEDx speaker, bestselling author, award-winning confidence & visibility coach. Creator of the #UnleashYourAwesome empowerment & #ProjectArtemis programmes.