Internet Trolls: Why You See Snakes And I See Ladders

No matter how hard those virtual slapdowns, it’s all about perspective, baby!

Taz Thornton
4 min readApr 1, 2018


TODAY I was trolled on Facebook. Twice. Neither seemed particularly fair. Both were in response to a positive, uplifting post I’d made encouraging people to recognise their own strength, beauty and awesome potential.

To be fair, the first one apologised within minutes… she hadn’t clicked the ‘see more’ button and had only read the first few lines of my post, which made the whole thing seem a bit out of context. It’s probably not even fair to call her a troll… she’s a lovely lady who leapt to the wrong conclusion and then felt bad about it.

The second was even more bizarre!

As someone who specialises in visibility and personal brand, whenever I create my own Facebook graphics they’re in my colours, with my logo and my #UnleashYourAwesome hashtag. Anything else would be remiss, right?

So, when a fella who uses his business logo (including web address) as his personal profile image started to make snotty comments about my graphics carrying my brand, the irony — and absurdity — wasn’t lost on me!

The details don’t really matter for the advice I want to serve to you right now. What I want to talk to you…



Taz Thornton

3 X TEDx speaker, bestselling author, award-winning confidence & visibility coach. Creator of the #UnleashYourAwesome empowerment & #ProjectArtemis programmes.